What we do

SC Lowy is a $1.6 billion alternative asset manager, market leader in Asia and the Middle East with a growing footprint in Europe, focused on private credit and special situations


The most advantageous risk-adjusted returns


Year founded


Capital deployed






The most attractive deal pipelines in opportunistic credit and special situations

Our founders, Michel Lowy and Soo Cheon Lee have built a highly scalable team, platform and sophisticated infrastructure to capitalize on the most attractive deal pipelines in opportunistic credit and special situations across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe

Our sharp focal point

We focus on fundamental, bottom-up credit analysis accomplished via robust sourcing, meticulous due diligence, vigorous on-going investment monitoring, timely exits and no leverage

Alignment of interest

We believe in a strong alignment of interests between us and our LPs with internal capital representing a material portion of firm wide AUM. We also encourage co-investment opportunities when appropriate

Robust risk management

We foster continuous and responsive interactions with borrowers, external counsel, consultants and auditors which is critical to both the pre- and post-investment process. Our ability to collaborate and provide borrowers with fast, flexible and creative solutions across existing and future business endeavours – creates good will, “win-wins” and repeat borrowers

Our unique platform generates long-term consistent returns with uncorrelated, very low market volatility

Local “boots-on-the-ground” presence across 9 offices

Extensive network of corporates, consultants & advisors built over 15 years

Robust downside protection driven by conservative and meticulous underwriting alongside comprehensive legal documentation

Senior leadership involvement throughout the investment cycle

37 investment professionals dedicated to origination, execution and post-investment management

UN PRI signatory with established ESG investments guidelines


Let’s connect
