Private credit

We address the funding gap arising from rapid demand growth and structural inefficiency in credit supply


The most advantageous risk-adjusted returns


Investing Since




Invested Capital


Core geographies

Local origination

Our origination teams are strategically located in 8 offices across Asia, the Middle East, and Europe, allowing us to have a “boots-on-the-ground” presence in key markets. Our team leverages their extensive network and deep relationships to identify and access attractive opportunities that may be overlooked by others. This proactive sourcing approach is integral to our investment strategy and helps us deliver the best possible outcomes for our partners.

Investment Process

Our disciplined investment process is backed by a refined methodology that covers every stage, from opportunity identification to investment execution to exit. Utilizing technology platforms, we centralize the process for accurate data collation and quick decision-making, giving us a competitive edge. With a combination of our methodology, technology, and expertise, our investment process is efficient and well-informed, enabling us to identify and seize opportunities for superior risk-adjusted returns.

Risk Management

Risk management is essential to all stages of the investment life-cycle. Active risk management begins at origination, intensifies with due diligence, is verified in investment committee, stress-tested with documentation and closing, and continues with ongoing monitoring and communication through to final exit.


We have established multiple committees to ensure oversight over the full lifecycle of each investment including:

  • Board of Directors
  • Management committee
  • Investment committee
  • Conflicts committee
  • Valuation committee


We are a proud signatory to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI) and thoughtfully integrate ESG considerations throughout the investment lifecycle via a robust ESG policy and proprietary risk screening tool.


Investment attributes

Partnering with underserved middle and upper-middle market corporates

We focus on solid cash generating businesses and attain robust downside protection always prioritizing capital preservation through senior secured risk collateralized by hard assets


Cashflow generating

We look for companies with stable, recurring revenue with the ability to satisfy its debt obligations as they come due


Unencumbered hard assets

We prioritize first lien senior secured positioning against hard assets such as real estate, vessels, aircraft, infrastructure, production facilities, and heavy equipment, which allows us to have a primary claim against assets in the event of default


Legal framework underpinning creditors' rights

We focus on downside protection with country legal frameworks and enforcement ability framing our underwriting and investment decisions


Non-sponsored borrowers

We focus on well-run family-owned businesses displaying strong growth and alignment of interests


Low leverage

We lend to companies with low leverage to defend against over-extension of credit and ensure repayment of our loans, particularly in a downside scenario


Uncorrelated market risk

By focusing on individual non-sponsored borrowers and bespoke lending against hard assets at low-LTVs, our strategy and return profile continuously displays uncorrelated market risk

Investment examples

Tangible exits with outsized returns

Since 2018, our partners in our dedicated private credit funds have enjoyed tangible exits with outsized returns across our core markets in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe



  • Industry: Telecommunication services
  • Type: Primary issue convertible bonds
  • Entry: Feb. 2019
  • Exit: Jan 2020
  • IRR: 22%
  • MOIC: 1.2x
  • Industry: Real estate
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: Dec. 2022
  • Exit: Dec. 2023
  • IRR: 19.4%
  • MOIC: 1.2x
  • Industry: Shipping
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: Sept. 2019
  • Exit: Sept. 2020
  • IRR: 16%
  • MOIC: 1.2x

Hong Kong

  • Industry: Real estate
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: Sept. 2021
  • Exit: Mar. 2022
  • IRR: 13%
  • MOIC: 1.1x


  • Industry: Real estate
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: Dec. 2022
  • Exit: Mar. 2024
  • IRR: 19%
  • MOIC: 1.24x
  • Industry: Industrial cement
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: March 2021
  • Exit: March 2023
  • IRR: 15%
  • MOIC: 1.3x


  • Industry: logistics
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: Dec. 2022
  • Exit: June 2023
  • IRR: 18.2%
  • MOIC: 1.1x
  • Industry: Industrials
  • Type: Primary loan
  • Entry: June 2021
  • Exit: May 2023
  • IRR: 36%
  • MOIC: 2x

Let’s connect
