Our engagement

We believe that thoughtful integration of environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations as well as a meaningful diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) policy ultimately maximizes returns for our partners by investing responsibly and developing a rich culture with a diverse workforce and a healthy work environment


Active integration of ESG considerations throughout the investment lifecycle

We incorporate ESG considerations into our investment analysis and decision-making, which aligns our overall ESG program with the underlying concepts established in the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (“UN PRI”).



We are a proud signatory and committed to the UN Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI)


ESG Policy

We have a robust ESG policy and exclusion list assisting us to invest responsibly


ESG Risk Screening

Our analysts utilize a proprietary ESG Risk Screening Tool that is structured, yet flexible, to create a uniform and consistent process for conducting diligence across geographies and sectors


Thoughtful integration of ESG considerations throughout the investment lifecycle reduces risk exposure and ultimately unlocks greater value


  • All leads checked against exclusion list
  • Begin utilization of proprietary ESG Risk Screening Tool to understand risks early in the investment process
  • Identify any ESG risks and elevate to Head of ESG and PMs for review

Due diligence & underwriting

  • Complete proprietary ESG Risk Screening Tool and present findings to Head of ESG, PMs & IC
  • Determine if areas of non-compliance can be addressed
  • Determine if a 3rd party ESG specialist consultant needs to be utilized


  • Incorporate ESG considerations and reporting into loan documentation as covenants and/or CPs
  • Present final proprietary ESG Risk Screening Tool findings to the IC for final approval post structuring

Execution & closing

  • Formulate final ESG action plan with management of invester company
  • Develop specific reporting requirements with invester company management

Investment management & exit

  • Consistent monitoring of ESG considerations by PMs and analysts responsible for each investment
  • Internal reporting to PMs and IC regarding ESG factors

Diversity and inclusion

We are committed to developing a rich culture with a diverse workforce and a healthy work environment in which every employee is treated fairly, is respected, and has the opportunity to contribute to the success of SC Lowy, while also having the opportunity to achieve their full potential as individuals.

Let’s connect
